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About Us

Network of persons with disability Organizations (NPdO) has been functioning in the south Indian state of Andrapradesh .It is affiliated to the National Disabled Network, New Delhi, and Disabled People International, (DPI) Bangkok. NPdO is a Disabled People’s Organization managed by the people with disabilities. NPdO has been initiated by a group of likeminded Persons with disabilities, who met during their childhood at the Government Home for the Disabled. Initially the group has aimed to raise the voices of the persons with disabilities and issues through a publishing a Magazine named as VARTHA TEJA in the year 1996.

The magazine had very effectively disseminated information across the disability sector to understand the issues of each other and also had provided adequate information on various government schemes and policies for the persons with disabilities. Over a period of time the magazine had gained popularity in developing a cader of activists and CBOs through its journals. In this process, an idea has been emerged to bring all the persons with disabilities and the local CBO’s to a common platform and as a result a “Network of Persons with disability Organizations”(NPdO) has been initiated in the year 2003, with a vision to facilitate development among the persons with disabilities through empowering them socially, economically, culturally and politically following the gender equity.

So far NPdO has facilitated the growth of persons with disability organizations statewide and strengthened them to address the issues from the human rights perspective. The main objective of NPdO is enabling every disabled person to become an activist and access mandal, district and state level networks.

Gradually over a period of time NPdO stretched its activities throughout the state and improved networking among the CBOs at mandal, district and state level by forming pressure groups and strengthening them for effective advocacy and lobbying process. NPdO became successful in building pressure on the policy makers to initiate new GO’s in favor of persons with disabilities.

It has emerged as a strong network of more than 70,000 members across the state towards empowering the persons with disabilities with special focus on women and children with disabilities. NPdO had mandated 50% women participation in its networking and activities.

NPdO sensitize and organize activities, on United Nation Convention on Rights of the Persons with Disability (UNCRPD), to strive for the barrier free society, free from communicational, physical, attitudinal, and environmental barriers in all spheres of life, to promote interventions on inclusive education and community rehabilitation, to initiate information dissemination activities with optimum utilization of advanced technologies on disability and developmental issues.

One world and one people –inclusion of persons with disability and “Creating disabled friendly environment “through facilitating societal mainstreaming, where equality, social security, social justice, respect and dignity for the persons with disability is ensured. The main motto of the organization is creation of sustainable and energized organizations, and individuals of persons with disabilities to raise the issues of persons with disabilities with a right based approach.

Enable ability of the persons with disability as an activist through empowering and facilitating rights based approaches. NPdO promotes self advocacy and empowering the persons with disabilities and aimed to influence the policies in favour of the persons with disabilities to protect their rights through social inclusion, community based rehabilitation, and inclusive education.

Our Values
NPdO maintains Transparency, accountability, democratic opinions to ensure effective networking at all levels of interventions with the community, Voluntary organization, government agencies and donors as well as the general public.

NPdO holds a belief in equal participation of the section of Persons with disabilities which a special focus on the gender equality, equal participation, and networking and advocacy interventions.

Right based approach for facilitation of persons with disabilities and their care givers through activism for the empowerment of cross disability sectors.

Awareness raising on the rights and opportunities of the persons with disabilities
Facilitation of converged platforms for the PWDs to raise their voices through advocacy interventions
Sensitize communities on prevention of disability through early intervention, detection, correction and ensure medical, social and economic rehabilitation.
Building capacities of the grassroots level disability rights activists and groups on people centered advocacy, community based rehabilitation and mobilization process.
Influencing policy makers, bureaucrats, government and public representatives, on effective policy makings and implementation.
Sensitizing the print and electronic media to focus the issues of the disabilities
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